Let’s face it, you did not expect acne to follow you into adulthood. Once you graduated high school, your pimple popping days should be behind you, right? Then, you woke up to discover a painful red bump on your chin, and thought “What the…..?” It is a rude awakening that adult acne is a thing, an unfortunate thing, that 85% of women deal with daily. Adult acne can affect your confidence and make you feel like you need to cover up the most beautiful part of you, your face! In today’s post, I’ll give you the best acne treatment for adults that will clear up your skin and give you your confidence back.
Figure 1: Resolve that blemish with the best treatment for adult acne!
There are a host of reasons why you may be experiencing Adult acne . Reproductive hormonal fluctuations, stress, inflammation, diet, environmental factors, or your autoimmune system is out of wack. The perfect storm of internal and external factors could have led to the explosion on your face. So, where do you start? I’ll give you the best acne treatment for adults that targets the possible sources of adult acne. These are steps you can begin immediately to reset your mind, body and spirit.
Inhale. Exhale. Sounds to simple, right? We breathe without thinking about it. If we didn’t, well, we would cease to exist. It’s not IF you breathe, it’s HOW you breathe. When we are busy bees running from one task to the next, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths. Breathe deeply. Place one hand on your belly and one on your heart. Inhale through your nose, letting your breath expand your belly then chest. Let your breath fill your body as if you are filling a glass of wine from the bottom to the top. This is triggering the part of your nervous system responsible for rebalancing the systems of the body. Plus, your lungs are the pump for your detoxifying lymphatic system. Before each meal, practice breathing exercises for 1 to 5 minutes. Repeat a skin healing mantra in your mind: “I am beautiful, even though my skin is not perfect.” “My skin is healing.” “I trust my body to heal my skin.” Think about the oxygen of your breath infused with the message of self-love permeating every cell of your being.
Have you had it on your to do list to sign up for Crossfit or get to that Orange Theory class? Set your alarm early and get to it! Physical fitness has so many benefits, one being the health of your skin! Working up a sweat speeds circulation of blood and lymph fluid. Blood flow is your nutrient delivery system pumped by your powerful heart while the lymphatic system removes toxins from the body and its generator are your magnificent lungs! Cool stuff, right? So, while you are feeling that burn, know your skin cells being flushed with all sorts of goodness! Make sure to cleanse your detoxified skin post workout. For added skin benefits, hit the infrared sauna afterwards!
I know you don’t want to hear this, but that latte and croissant are made with refined sugar, dairy and gluten. These pleasure inducing ingredients can cause inflammation in the gut which can translate to unhappy skin. But they look and smell so good! What do you want most, clear skin or that pastry? It’s a tough choice to make in the moment but your skin with thank you! Don’t think your diet affects your skin? Try eliminating processed foods for thirty days. The Whole 30 program will eliminate known inflammatory foods. Take a picture of your skin before and after then compare the results!
Your home skin care ritual matters and if you are dealing with aging and acne it can be difficult to know what to use. The best treatment for adult acne is Skin Regimen by Comfort Zone. It targets the internal and external factors causing stress in the skin. The Skin Regimen protocol for adult acne is:
Step 1: Prepare
Cleansing Cream: Mix a pea size amount with water. Apply later to skin in upward circles. Rinse off the pat dry. Use morning and night.
Enzymatic Powder: FAVORITE PRODUCT ALERT! Great for absorbing that excess oil. I see immediate results after I use this. Sprinkle a half teaspoon of powder into you hand, add water, rub between palms to foam, then apply to skin in gentle, upward circles. You can also make a thicker paste by using less water and leave on your breakout for 5 minutes. Rinse with water. Use every day when flared then three times a week in the morning or evening after cleansing to maintain.
Step 2: Recharge
Microalgae Essence: Contains unicellular algae to stimulate cellular metabolism. This will speed new healthy cells to the surface, clearing and energizing your skin. Press 3 to 5 drops into skin after cleansing working upward from the neck. Should absorb into skin quickly. If it doesn’t, use less product.
Step 3: Correct
1.85 Hyaluronic Booster: Contains macro, micro and cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Three kinds?? I know!! What this means is hydration retention, absorption, and protection from enzymes that degrade hyaluronic acid. Product wise, hyaluronic acid is your best line of defense against aging. It holds 1000 times its weight in water, keeping your cells healthy and your breakout healing. Dispense 8 drops into the palm of your hand. Use the fingertips of your other hand to apply the product to your face. Start at your forehead and work downwards adding more product as needed. Use morning and night after cleansing and Essence. Just like the Essence, this should absorb quickly into the skin.
Tea Tree Booster: This handy spot treater contains tea tree and alpha hydroxy acids, working overnight to zap those zits. It contains Use in the evening on blemishes.
Tripeptide Cream: This is a light moisturizer. Don’t freak out! It’s okay to use a little moisturizer even on breakouts. It will lock in the hydration you want for your cells and protect your skin from moisture loss and the environment. Dehydrated skin could exacerbate your breakout. In the morning, use a pinki dab amount every day after booster.
·Step 4: Reset
Night Detox. This magical product stimulates the natural detoxification process in the cell. When applied, it has a cooling effect and will decrease the inflammation in your skin. It also contains a poly-hydroxy acid to encourage cellular turnover- think bad-zitty cells out, new happy cells in. Apply to skin over boosters and leave on overnight. Remove with cleanser in the morning.
Supplement your home care with a professional treatment at YoMo Skincare Seattle. Book a 90-minute Urban Longevity Facial at where all the above mentioned, purifying products will be utilized along with a powerful 58.5% alpha & poly hydroxy acid face renewer and detoxifying charcoal mask. Your skin will be refreshed and you will feel revitalized knowing you are making the best choices not only for your skin but for your entire being.